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Disability Insurance and Why You Need Legal Help

Disability insurance claims are often rejected or simply not paid out. But to understand the significance of such and why it is important to seek legal guidance from an attorney working with disability insurance claims on a regular basis, let’s briefly consider how important claims payouts are for applicants.

Insurance companies don’t have to pay out on all claims. Many claims are not valid, but in instances when the claims are valid, even small mistakes made when completing the forms can lead to non-payment of claims. People take out long-term disability insurance to ensure that in the instance of becoming ill and being unable to work for a long time while undergoing treatment, that they can at least get part of the income they would have received had they been working.

The insurance gives them peace of mind knowing that they will not end up losing their vehicles or houses, for example, because they became disabled or sick with a long-term condition. The claim payout is used towards paying for essentials. However, if the insurance company doesn’t pay out in time, pays less than it should, or simply rejects a claim it can leave the claimant in a dire financial position. Unable to work and having to pay for extremely expensive treatments such as chemotherapy or rehabilitation after having suffered a spinal injury, the claimant may have to deal with lack of funds to cover basic living costs, medical expenses, and the inability to pay back debts.

Insurance companies can only survive and profit if they don’t pay out on every possible claim. As such, there is often fine print in such agreements, which people overlook when they join an insurance scheme. The insurer may state that it doesn’t pay out on any condition which existed before the client joined the scheme. But what if the client was not aware of the condition? In another instance, a mistake made in the completion of the claim form may cause the claim to be rejected.

The first step when receiving the disability claim rejection letter is to contact a personal injury or disability insurance attorney. The attorney will contact the insurer to find out the reason for the claim rejection or non-payment of the claim. Following the correct procedure and doing so as soon as possible after the claim submission in following up on claim payment is essential. Where necessary, the attorney can seek a court order to ensure a payout by the insurer.

As the insured, you have the right to a claim payout for something like a heart attack, cancer, diabetes, or another condition which may have left you unable to work for a long time or even permanently disabled. If you have paid your monthly premiums, you thus have the right to expect a payout when you need such if the claim is legitimate. Instead of accepting the rejection letter, seek legal help. In many instances, insurance companies do pay out on the disability claims once they have to deal with experienced attorneys who are following the correct legal procedures in getting answers and performance from the insurers.

Contact Adele van der Walt Incorporated for advice and help in getting your disability insurance claim payout.


*Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Call on our attorneys for legal advice, rather than relying on the information herein to make any decisions. The information is relevant as at the date of publishing –  November 2019.

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